[pmmail-list] Update from Peter Nielsen

Paul Hodges pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:47:50

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:29:21, Brian Morrison wrote:

>  now you know where the ability to switch off 'Fast Interrogation' came from

Hey, me too!  It took me well over a year to persuade BoB that such a
problem even existed.  Perhaps it just took two of us :-)

It's a feature of the UK ISP Demon's POP implementation, and is also
true of Peter Moylan's Weasel server - the difference being that
Demon's numbers can change on any new login (because it generates the
list each time by polling the SMTP queues on several servers
asynchronously), but Weasel's only if a new message has been received
(because the sequence is ordered by file name, and a new message may
have a file name that doesn't go at the end of the sequence).

As there is no requirement in the RFC for the message sequence to be
the same on successive logins, I believe that the default setting
should be changed to have fast interrogation off (rather than on as
it is now).

Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd

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