[pmmail-list] crashed and confused mail folders
Cary Renquist
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:15:52 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 21:59:06 -0500, Hazen Woods wrote:
>Is there any chance that the lost messages actually exist somewhere?
>In partial answer, I guess, I see that the number of files in a given
>folder is the same as the number of messages shown for that folder
>(plus the INI , BAG and EXP files), so they would have to be somewhere
Yep, the number of .msg files should equal the number of messages reported
by PMmail.
You can probably try re-indexing some of the other folders...
If they were downloaded from the server they should be there somewhere --
when I had the folder problems I did not lose any messages. However, I
do seem to recall having to re-index some folders.
Good luck,
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