Rude, rude, rude!

Rodney R. Korte
Thu, 31 Aug 2000 09:49:00 -0400 (EDT)

First, there was:

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 11:05:41 -0400, Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr. wrote:

>I talked with Thomas about it yesterday, and he says he is still on
>schedule for it.  I don't know the definite details of it now, just a
>bunch of pieces.

Note the statement "I don't know the definite details".  Less than
1/2 hour later there was:

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 11:31:00 -0400, Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr. wrote:

>It is better organized for him than me.   A lot of what I have been
>told he won't announce.  I am just not sure of what he will announce.

Note the statement "I am just not sure of what he will announce.".
Then you wrote:

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:25:57 -0400 (EDT), Ralph Cohen wrote:

>Ignoring the details, will Thursday's announcement offer anything more
>tangible than an announcement of future promises?


On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:02:35 -0400 (EDT), Ralph Cohen wrote:

>Why am I not surprised at the lack of any response from the BSW reps to
>my simple question?  It seems to be the pattern with this company's

In all seriousness, because they (at least Jimmy) already answered those
questions with an "I don't know"?

>reps that whenever they are asked a question they don't want to answer,
>they just ignore it.  Even a simple "Hey, I see your question but I
>don't know the answer" would have sufficed and been far preferable to

Didn't he already answer?  I don't like the situation any more than
you, but I don't think berating them for not answering a question for
which they previous provided the answer no less than two times on the
same day is fair.

Rodney R. Korte                   OS/2. Operate at a higher level.                 ---> MIME, PGP (at URL below) welcome.
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